Adventures in Atlantis ….. 
It was this Seneca quote that reminded me of ‘The Tick outside the Box’, a simple yet incredibly powerful coaching technique and I want to share it with you today.
Do this:
a) take a sheet of paper
b) draw a box in the centre of the paper
c) this is your personal comfort zone right now
d) now put a little tick or a cross or a dot just outside of the box*
e) take a ruler and lengthen each side of the box so that the tick is now inside the new box, keeping the proportions of the box as before
f) the new, much larger box now becomes your new comfort zone!
So what?
Every day you make decisions, plan and behave in ways that lie within your comfort zone, whilst at the same time aspiring to a bigger, richer, more adventurous life (insert your own words here). So you want a promotion, but are too afraid to ask. You want more money, but fear you might get turned down. You fancy the person at the other table at the restaurant, but fear making that first move.
All the while you dream, dream, dream and fervently wish to live this other life. The years go by with little change. You are not alone, we all feel good in our comfort zone, yet in order to create the life we dream of, we must step outside of our comfort zone. Only when we grow will we fit those bigger shoes.
When I did my first firewalk with Tony Robbins more than 20 years ago, he reminded us that this is a tick way outside our (comfort zone) box that will expand everything else in our lives. Once you’ve walked over red hot coals, not only do you ask ‘what else is possible’, but you tell those little fears and anxieties to step aside with a simple ‘Puh-lease, I’ve walked across burning hot coals, I shall not be deterred by this measly challenge’.
My visit to Atlantis whilst on a wonderful journey with the lovely Katy Starlight (my co-presenter on YOUR MAGIC MONTH**), inspired me to share this simple, yet highly effective coaching technique with you. The climb down to and up from Atlantis was one of the most challenging – and yes, at times even a little frightening – things I’ve chosen to do in a while. Not only was the experience magical, but I’ve heard myself say several times since ‘I’ve done Atlantis, of course I can….!!’
So what will you do to expand your comfort zone??
*TODAY, choose one single, small, ever-so-tiny action that is outside your comfort zone, that is ever-so-slightly daring or scary: let this be the action, represented by the tick outside the box, that will tilt your life’s trajectory towards your dreams. This action will stretch you just a little, then add another and another and watch and marvel how your life begins to expand and grow.
Please email me or share your experience on Facebook (Coaching by Karin .. or …Karin Cordwell, oh and please ‘like’ me). I would love to hear what you’ve chosen as your first ‘tick outside the box’.
And here is my moment of triumph …. and yes, I am proud.
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